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Monday, August 30, 2010

Run, Wendy, Run

I tend to take out my anger on whatever exercise I'm doing that day (I really need to take up kick boxing).  But I don't do gossipy, girly, drama-y things well and today was action packed with all of the above!  I was just going to run about 3 miles by the time I was able to get out because it was so hot, but I ended up having so much extra steam to let off that I did 5.  I also did a few pitiful lower ab exercises and some shoulders.  I need to FOCUS!  Oh well, I have 2-4 more runs scheduled this week and since I'm contemplating not teaching spin anymore I'm going to have to figure that out too.  Oh dear!  And by the way, can someone point me to the pool? 


  1. Pool is a touchy subject with me today!! I went for my lunch swim and after 10 laps I was told I had to get out so they can put the chemicals in. I was mad, still mad.

    Why dont you want to teach spin anymore?

  2. Oh the pool! I get so mad and angry b/c I show up with all the daycare kids!!! Never fails! Or I have some older lady who needs to practice the breast stroke in the same lane! Ugh!

    Spin is touchy...I was given a class, then they took it away to give it back to the original instructor 2 days later. I guess they thought she wanted to quit and then she didn't, but they'd already set everything up for me. Basically, I don't like non-profit "politics". I don't need or want the stress of it and I need to focus on my own workouts anyway. I'll make the decision soon.
