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Thursday, August 12, 2010

2 days!

2 days away!!! That's the race date! ONLY 2 days.  I feel like I've had all summer to prep for the race and now all of the sudden it's here!  So many things are on the forefront of my mind...where did the time go? am I ready?  will my tire go flat?  will the race be wetsuit legal?  will I finish?  how will I finish if I do finish?  will my tire go flat?  LOL, I'm seriously scared of my bike, but that's a subject for another blog. 

I guess my answers would be this...the time went by so quickly b/c I stopped thinking about the race, I seriously am as ready as I'm ever going to be, if my tire goes flat I hope I can run in bike shoes, I'll know tonight if it's wetsuit legal (9pm is water temp posting), if I dope up on my allergy meds I should muddle through and finish, I'm not planning on being competitive this yet, so I hope to just not come in last (unless my tire goes flat)!

This race has a lot more stress attached b/c it's local, there's a whole lotta ego runnin' around here too!  It's not like heading out of town, doing a race and then talking about it to other triathletes in the area, no sir, now it's time to "bring it"!  Okay, I'm just trying to focus on the fun side and get excited for the crowd, the family that's coming to watch, and to see how my speedy husband does! 

Well yesterday was suppose to be a 4 mile slow jog, but about an hour before I was to leave (aka Mike is home to babysit), the thunder started and the sky dumped out for the rest of the night! CRAZY storm! Tom, our trainer says that we should always take the day before, the day before the race completely off (aka, foot propped and bon bons eaten, jk!).  Well I needed to help a friend out by teaching her spin class at the Y, so I rolled along on a flat while the rest of my class sweated it out. It was nice, felt good, and I was really never  winded, so I think that's okay.  I always feel so lazy on race week, but I guess it pays off. 

1 comment:

  1. - Google "changing a bike tire" on youtube, watch it, take your front wheel off and practice doing it. Its really easy, will be tough the first time, but after that, it gets easier and easier.

    - And good luck on Sunday, remember always cross the finish line smiling, the race photographer will be taking your picture.

    - Enjoy your reward for all the work work you have put in. Race your race, stick to your game plan, dont worry about anyone else, and most importantly have fun
