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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sushi and Beer

Have you ever had days where just about everything gets on your nerves?  You try to hold a good, positive attitude, but you fail miserably?  Well by the time I finally got running yesterday evening (about 7:30) I found I was running off everything from the day!  This will motivate and inspire speed,  but what a cruddy way to get there!

Mike (the super-speed husband) and I set out on our running "date".  I was fussy from my day already, but he told me he'd run my pace b/c there is a section we go on that is a little sketchy and I'd rather not turn up a statistic.  So we set out and he kept up with me, and then when he saw I fell behind on a hill I did what he always does, turns around and say, "are you doing okay?" I am so blessed to have such an attentive husband, but that is NOT how I saw his concern yesterday, I simply told him, "if you ask me that again on this run I'm going to get pissed and offended, so knock it off, you KNOW I'm slower than you, it's not a problem, it's just how it is"...I'm a gem, huh?!  No, I just think I took out my long events of the day on him and we were only about 1/2 mile into the  run, so the sweat, muscle fatigue, and burn hadn't kicked in yet.  I actually felt really bad about getting on him, I mean he WAS going at my pace after all, he could have kicked my butt and been finished with the whole thing by the time I round mile 4!  Oh, we were doing a 10K loop that is our next race.

Well we chilled out and went with our super cool neighbors to sushi afterwards and it was wonderful!!!!  It's kinda our thing...sushi.  We always ALWAYS go there, ever since we were just dating, and then before Samantha, it's so fun.  And when Dan and Ashley go, we just laugh the whole time!  I had a Saporo (did I spell that right?) with dinner last night.  It was in a can and about a beer and half size,  I think I realized after the 3rd time I fill my little mug up with the same can that I felt GREAT and my legs didn't hurt and I realized it was the first time I'd had a drink for about 3 weeks!  Holy cow!  Moral of the story is, sushi and beer make everything better :)

The stat's from this run were sans Garmin (plugged it in and left it at home, DOH!), but Mike timed us on his HR monitor.  I did the 10K loop in 51 minutes, but I got horrid stomach cramps and had to slow my pace for the last 3/4mile, I even walked some and prayed no one got to see me get sick!  Maybe I can do the run in under 50!  I'm not a fast runner, but I'm working hard.

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