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Friday, January 28, 2011

Blah Blah Blah

I'm so boring I don't even blog!  West Virginia has had snow since the state was entered into the Union, but for whatever reason, we are totally unable to deal with it in the 21st century! My child has been out of school for THREE days this week.  WE HAVE PLOWS!  Okay, that's enough, I'll calm down. 

Anyway, all this means is that I'm not hitting my workouts. Good news is that the mojo is flowing again!  I'm getting stronger!  I am still pretty weak, but I'm getting stronger with every workout.

This week was Monday-got rear ended by a creepy guy on my way to the gym so I went home and did a spinervals DVD (waaaaay better than spin class anyway!), Tuesday - swam intervals and drills, I'm not ready for a distance swim yet, but I'm doing about a mile each training session...just not in a row.  Wednesday- taught spin, snow started hitting us hard, but so did ice rain, so I cut class short and sent everyone home, I ended up following along with Jillian again on her DVD (she is awesome!).  Thursday- DIDN"T TO A DARN THING!  Friday-stay tuned, not sure what I'm doing, but I'm pretty sure it'll be something on my bike since that's my only option at this point.

This weekend I'm going to Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia.  It's suppose to be a scorching 50 degrees!  I'm RUNNING!!!!  For like hours!!!! Just running!!!!  Look out Forest Gump!!!  I think I'll go with the husband to where the SML tri's are held and do that course for the run a couple times.

I'm not racing at the YMCA indoor tri on Saturday.  I wrote about that in the fall, I need a break and I'm going to be out of town, so it works.  It's sorta bittersweet since I've been in every one of them!  In fact...January 31st is the 2nd anniversary of my first tri! 

Have a great weekend!  Get out and conquer! 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Catch up

Wow! Blogs have been few and far between lately! Well truthfully I've been pretty boring to read about races, no motivation, very little time in the gym, LOTS of snow!  I have been getting workouts in, just not really good, solid, body-changing ones!

So let me re-cap some of my workouts over the past little while.

Last Saturday I spent some time on my bike trainer; Sunday we were at a hotel (at sea level!!) and I did 4 miles on their treadmill--mainly b/c people were waiting on us and I didn't have time for more; Sunday and Monday I was off due to really busy days; Tuesday I did a really good drill workout in the pool, it took me about an hour and I was toast afterward! Wednesday I was tired and so I just walked a mile and ran 3.2 on the treadmill. 

So that's me.  My runs are wildly short....I really hate treadmills, and yes, I want one, but that doesn't mean I like them!   They are a necessary evil in a place that has very poor snow removal and lots of snow! 

Today I'm hoping to hop on the bike trainer for a few miles.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Where oh where is my mojo?  I'm trying, really trying to get into it.  I NEED to find myself, but lately I'm struggling to do anything! 
Sunday I got on my new (suped-up) and improved bike and while I was only on my trainer I was LOVING it!  I am hoping I can fly!!!!  I'll be doing a blog on this soon.

Monday I was on my way to (grudgingly) swim laps until a fellow spin instructor (who also teaches water aerobics) waved me over to join her class b/c she was running low on participants.  Well being an instructor myself I understand not wanting to teach only 3 of 4 people so I jumped in.  While water aerobics isn't my fav, it's a great workout if you work at it!  I did that and left at the cool down b/c I didn't want to get too cooled down before I did my "laps" ended up being only a 200 race pace (for warm up-ish thing) and then four 50meter "sprints" before my blood sugar flushed!  I was so dizzy I stumbled out of the pool.  I went to the showers and tried hard to get through that quick b/c I didn't have a gel or anything with me!  That was when I realized two, always, ALWAYS remember protein at breakfast and two, always, ALWAYS remember a gel!!!!  UGH!!!!

Today I went to spin.  The hour almost killed me.  I'm strong, but not STRONG like triathlete!  I did an hour and then (learning from my mistakes), popped a gel and went to do negative splits on the treadmill for only a mile. 

You see, I'm coming off of illness and exhaustion and while I can get through a workout, I'm not feeling like I'm gaining.  I feel like I'm learning all over again!  I'm PRAYING this clears up!   I'm desperate to be where I was!  

Well tomorrow we'll be under several feet of snow in WV...AGAIN!  So I'm going to do that Jillian Michaels DVD I did on Friday.  I actually like it!  I like to do some strength training and I like her, she's just cool and committed and really wants everyone to be healthy, so I'm looking forward to that.  And weather permitting I'm swimming on Thursday.  I need some good swim workouts (for someone NOT training for an iron distance) so feel free to throw some at me :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Trouble Zones

I have started off this new year a little under the weather.  I was on the treadmill on Monday and Tuesday and couldn't get faster than 6mph b/c I felt so incredibly weak. I did about 2.5-3 miles each day and then walked to make a full 45 minutes.  I felt so dizzy and weak on Tuesday that I stopped for a gel 1.5 miles in....I had eaten breakfast, etc, it just turned out that I think I had (have) a bug.  It zapped my energy, and I spent all day in bed on Wednesday.  Thursday I was able to get out and run errands, but then I woke up today and felt like I had a LITTLE more energy so I decided to try my new Jillian Michaels "No More Trouble Zones" DVD since our bike trainer is currently the site of Mike and I's Extreme Bike Makeovers.   I also woke up to another treat this morning...2-3 inches of snow and a cancelled school day!  So the munchkin and I started the DVD together (I highly recommend exercising with a 5 year...interesting).  She lasted about 20 minutes (I was impressed) and then bailed to go check in on Sesame Street. 

This DVD was interesting and a little fun.  Jillian is so hardcore and I just love that, so she's fun, she's real too.  It's not a cardio DVD, but it's a nice toning DVD.  It makes you work on almost all your "trouble zones", ie., abs, shoulders, love handles, etc. I'm in pretty decent shape as it is, so it wasn't too challenging, except for the shoulders.  I used 8lb weights for all except the shoulder section....turns out I'm pretty weak there. 

I think doing this was good.  I always try to throw in a strength workout, but I think I need to "train smarter, not harder" so this year I'm going to try to limit my strength training to about once a week and abs a bit more often (weak back). 

BTW....I'm registered for the White Lake Sprint Triathlon in May which is the day after Mike's 1/2 ironman out there. We decided since we were already there what's one more day :)

I'm trying to get my nerve up to register for the Big Lick International Distance race in Smith Mountain Lake in September....I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.  Stay tuned and we'll see :)