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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Spin me right round

After my sprinting yesterday I'm feeling a sore in the legs, but not too sore, that's a good sign! 

The drama associated with my pursuit of finding babysitters for all this training continues...I had hoped to get a swim in at lake Chatham and then maybe an outdoor ride,but no such luck.  MAYBE Saturday morning, but we'll see.  Today I took a very intense spin class and worked really hard (forgot my HR monitor...this is going to have to change) and then I hopped on the treadmill for a quick transition and ran a mile in 8:16!  That's good for the old lady :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Last day on the lake

Yesterday was raining, no pouring, so since it was the last day on the lake we didn't get to do another swim, and since I'm not a professional that's being paid to do this sport,  I also didn't run and I certainly didn't bike (I'm scared of brakes and rain mixed).  So I exercised my ability to relax!   I brought my book to covering at the dock and sat and read.  The little one and I also fed some very aggressive ducks.  It was nice to relax.

Today I didn't have any motivation again.  I don't know if it was being back in town, not enough sleep or what it was, but I still pushed myself to the gym (because I have to use the nursery there for Samantha).  I would have liked to have gone for a nice long, slow run, but I've done enough of those this week, so I worked a little cross training with weights and then did some sprints with my friend Andrea.  It wasn't a long work, but I've read so much lately about sprinting doing wonders for running so I thought that was a good use of my time.  I'm hoping for a cycling buddy for tomorrow evening, but if not I'll probably run b/c the pool is closed at my YMCA for TWO WEEKS! Mind you, we are 2.5 out from the triathlon I'm doing

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Trail of Terror!

Okay, so this week we're in Smith Mountain Lake in VA.  It's the most beautiful, clean lake I've ever seen!  In face, its the same lake Mike did his first outdoor tri in earlier this year.
Well we've gone running (we is Mike, his Godfather, and his 2nd cousin) every morning, not something I usually do and I had every intention of getting in a bike ride, but not so far. I've also wanted to swim in the lake everyday to get rid of my extreme fear of open water swimming. I've been IN the lake everyday, but with goggles is a whole other story.  I think I fear that I'll see some giant fish, a killer whale, submarine, I don't know...irrational fear, seriously!

This is the yesterday's workout...

Mike, his Godfather, and I went on what I now affectionately refer to as the "Trail of Terror"!  It wasn't exactly a trail, it was roads, but on these roads I saw a big fat dead snake smeared all over the road...I HATE snakes, HATE them, dead, alive, whatever, HATE them!!!!  Then we got to the end of that freak show and turned left onto a road that I'm seriously scared to even DRIVE on, and stayed on that for about 1/2 mile.  We then turned onto a road that seemed pretty docile until some driver decided we weren't important enough for her to move over more than about 18 inches away!!!!  Sheesh, people, share the road!  So then we turned around and went BACK down the highway from hell (not really a highway, but people seriously try to set records on that road I think!) and then back onto the road with Mr. Hiss.  I was very happy when my husband who runs much faster than I offered to run ahead and put Mr. Hiss in a final resting place so I wouldn't have to see him again. I'm so lucky :) 

Well that run was done without my HR monitor.  This is probably good as I would have been about 10 beats faster the whole way than normal b/c of all my "traumatic" experiences, LOL! 

STAT's were 6.30 miles in 1:00 hours.

Today's run:

I went with Mike's cousin because I wanted to go a bit shorter distance.  We did 3 miles.  Mike had my Garmin, so I don't know our pace, but it was slower than I could have done and I was glad...I'm trying to be more observant with my training needs. 

I had intended on swimming about 1/2 mile in the lake....well....Mike and I got in and I was all geared up in my goggles and we started.  About 12 strokes into it I felt like I was going to panic, see, Mike has to swim right next to me to keep me calm (although he CAN swim much faster).  So I could see him, but I felt like my breathing was too fast, and everytime I stopped I felt like I was going to cry b/c I was getting to worked up.  When I swim open water (and I actually practice this technique in the pool) I close my eyes while my face is IN the water and then open them when I breathe.  I take 5-6 strokes (maybe more, depending on how straight I'm going) and then spot.  Spotting is HARD!!!!  It takes a ton of energy...clearly something I need to work on. 

Well this is where I am this week. I was hoping to have a bike ride in b/c I haven't been on my bike since JUNE!  But we'll see.  I just do what I can do b/c priority number one is the baby girl!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

HR training

Okay, so yesterday I did a run.  I did this run WITH my HR monitor (which btw is still annoying) and I tried to stay around 140-160bpm...harder, MUCH harder than I thought it'd be.  Turns out I wanted to run around 170-180!!!!  So I need to work on my pace when going distance running.

Well I set out with the idea that I'd like to finish 6 miles, but I started running with my friend (for the first 3) and she's at a slower pace, so after we split up I felt like I could keep going after 6, so I did 7!  I didn't feel completely spent either. 

I've also been forgoing the ipod lately.  I've felt pretty good without it, but I do wonder if my pace slows a bit too.  I just haven't had anything in music that I've cared for lately.  I'm in a "music slump" I guess, but I am enjoying myself.  

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hey Wendy! It's me, your body!

Rest....ugh, ick, necessary rest!  I'm feeling VERY run down and tired lately, unmotivated too.  I'm trying very hard to stay motivated for my race in August, but I'm not feeling it.  Well I decided to pick the brain of my friend Tom (has at least 2 Ironman races under his belt, one of which is Kona! Total rockstar! Did I mention he's in his 50's?!).  He and I went to the root of my lack of motivation...lack of rest!  I'm also training at 80-90% of my HR most of my workouts which in and of itself is an accident waiting to happen. 

Now, look, I do take rest days, I just don't rest very well.  I clean house, pick blueberries, run after kids, clean house...did I already say that?  Well you see, I'm not exactly sitting with a book and my feet propped up.  I also don't sleep well and haven't since my daughter was born in 2005. 

Okay, I think I've voiced my cause, but here is what our discussion concurred.  A) I need rest, and good rest, taking (sometimes like when I feel really run down) 3-4 days off (can you imagine??!).  B) Take my resting HR, the HR you get before your feet hit the ground out of the bed in the morning.  He says if it's elevated 15 or more beats that maybe that's an off day.  C) USE MY HEARTRATE MONITOR!!!!!  I have an AWESOME Garmin 405cx, but the darn strap hurts my breathing when I use it.  I just need to get over that.  I can't use it in the water, but when I use my husbands Timex I find that I'm not nearly and an awesome enough swimmer to get my HR up that much anyway, so I guess that can slide.  D) Do "pieced" training.  For example: I can set out to swim 800 meters (roughly a sprint distance) but take it 100 meters at a time with a rest in between.  Use each 100 to work on either form, speed, siting, etc.  Much like a Fartlek training (Google it b/c I can't remember the link) in running, sort of .  E) Massage.  Need I say more? 

Okay, so there it is.  My lesson for the week.  I tend to go all out when I train and it's becoming counter productive.  Tom said he'd rather have me under trained that over trained at the tri.  Over-training leads to things like lack of motivation, irritability, even Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  That was pretty shocking to learn.  He also says to go by feeling.  If you get on the treadmill, for example, and feel like you weigh twice your body weight and your legs are like lead, maybe you don't need to run.  He wants me to listen to my body more. 
Yesterday was an off day because I felt terrible, still was way too busy for being off.  Today was a nice, tough spin class for 65 minutes. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New stuff

Well I filled in and taught an abs and glutes class today.  My legs were SCREAMING by the end of it!  I think I need to do more strength training there.  I was going to run, but the ominous looking clouds said if I didn't take the little one to the pool I might not get to, so I sacrificed a run for my baby.

I did get to run! I went back to the Y and ran on the treadmill for 3 miles.  It was so unbelievably slow b/c I've been so tired lately.  I did 1/2 mile "hill" (1% , LOL) , 1/2 mile flat for the duration.  It took me about 27 minutes, I think, I forgot to write it down, but I went at 6.5mph (about a 9.something minute mile).

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Did 9 miles yesterday.  Took me exactly 1:30 (and a few seconds but who's counting?).  I think I have a LOT of work to do before October and this race, but at least I hit my mark.  I don't think I'll go past 9 miles until after the tri b/c it took a lot out of me and I think when I finally get my distance up I want to JUST focus on running for a month or so.  We'll see how it goes.  But I did it in my hilly neighborhood and by mile 7.9 I felt like my thighs were on fire!  My muscles definitely need some strength training!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Ugh! Ran 4 miles on the treadmill tonight with NO elevation.   I'm getting wimpy.  I was suppose to do 5 miles, but my ego wouldn't let me slow down so then my legs started hurting and then everything went to pot and thus decreasing my mileage for the week (which is only like 7 so far...what ev!). 
Mike, my husband/trainer, tells me I need some more breaks.  I might be over doing it a smidge, but I don't think I am, oh well, I'll take tomorrow off then just spin or swim or maybe go for a bike ride on Friday.  Saturday will most likely be a 8 or 9 mile run, but I'm going to leave my option open to change that to Sunday if the mood strikes (or the weather does).

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Swim "Training"

Well I did a workout from Triathlete magazine since I'm sort of coachless on the swim portion of training.  I also dislike the swim training b/c it's really hard to mark time changes, b/c you have to stop and find the clock and calculate when you started, yada yada yada.  I also regularly lose count of how many laps I've done.  Oh well, maybe doing interval training will actually push me toward being somewhat competitive in the swim leg, cause right now it's just an obstacle to be overcome.


Okay, yesterday I did a PR on the treadmill.  I did 24:41 for 3 miles. It was really hard b/c I am not entirely sure the AC was working, it was HOT!!!!  I wish I could have done it faster, I'd like to get under 24.  We'll see, it's a goal.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Long run

Yesterday I did 8 miles running.  It was in the low 70's, no humidity and about 6pm.  I don't know why but I felt no need for my ipod, so I wore it, but never turned it on.  It was so refreshing!  I heard nature, cars, kids, my feet hitting the pavement, my breathing, dogs running at was blissful mostly!  I never once felt the need to tune that out and my average pace was 9:36.  I haven't downloaded my Garmin results yet so I don't have my splits, but I did all this in my neighborhood that has tons of hills.  I figure since my next 2 running races and my next triathlon are all in WV I should just get use to the hills and stop whining.

I did no, zip, zero, nada training today.  Just laid by the pool! 

Friday, July 9, 2010

July 9th

Feeling kinda icky.  Actually have been for 2 days now, but yesterday I spent on my bum and today all I did was a quicky spin class (about 45 minutes, 10 of which were weights).  I did a pitiful weight training session b/c  I was running my mouth with people at the Y instead of doing what I needed to get done in my 2 hours the little gym lets me have Sam in there.  I'm hoping for a long-ish run tomorrow (6-7 miles), but I'm not going to push it.  I might be a bit over-training or getting a little sick, so I'll do what I can.  I'm going to start watching my diet more closely, feeling a bit low in the blood sugar, plus I've dropped about a 2 pounds in the past 2 weeks...hmmm.  We'll keep looking into that one.  Weight loss isn't a bad thing, but I'm not interested in getting sick either. 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

July 7th

Today I was short on time (surprise, surprise) so I did what I call the 20/20 workout.  It was all I could fit in. I did 20 minutes of hills on the spin bike and then 20 minutes of running (flat) on the treadmill.  It was a bit slower on the treadmill, but that's to be expected after a ride, that's why we call it "training"!  It took me 2.25miles in 20 on the treadmill.   Don't know on the bike.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 6th

Today I did an amazing, but short, treadmill run.  I say amazing b/c up until now I've been running outside and if you've never been to WV, well, you KNOW the hills I'm training in.  So I didn't touch the incline, but I did 2 miles in 16:18!!!  That's good for me, I'm a slow runner, but the most amazing thing was that it felt AMAZING!!!  I then hit the pool for about 1/2 mile.  I'm a little crunched on time at the gym b/c I only have 2 hours/day to use the baby gym for my little one and I like to try to sneak shower in there if possible.  My swim was slow, but fun, I don't know my time, I was mainly trying not to take breaks, just do the whole thing.

So far so good!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

More Hills

Quick entry (hopefully I can keep this up)....

I did a 4 mile hill run in my very hilly neighborhood with an average of 9min/miles, total time was about 37:15.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Up Hill Both Ways

I'm currently trying to train for a 1/2 marathon in October along side of my triathlon training.  I'm going to see how that goes b/c I'm a mom and I'd like to actually spend time with my little girl and husband at least once in awhile. 

I'm going to shoot for spin class 2x week; outdoor cycling 1xweek; running 3-4x week; swimming 2x week.  Obviously that's more days than there are in a week, but I'll be doing brick workouts.  This is a HUGE goal, but it's all I've got right now.  I'll probably scale a lot of that back after I track down some plans on  .  Stay tuned for updates to my training sched. 

This week was odd b/c I was completely exhausted from the race and then throw in going to the midnight showing of Eclipse on Tuesday night only to get up and teach a spin class on Wednesday morning...ugh, thoroghly drained! 

Sunday: much needed rest after the race! 
Monday: taught spin class (40 min), weight training
Tuesday: off day (yelled at by "coach Tom" for overdoing it, LOL)
Wednesday: taught spin (40 min), toning class
Thursday: 7 mile run (4 mile slow jog pace, 1 mile race pace, 2 mile fartlek run/sprints)
Friday: taught spin (40 min)
Saturday: will be an off day so I can run to birthday parties and then lounge by the lake and celebrate the 4th! 

Next week I'll crack down again.  I'll do some more research this weekend on training plans and how to mesh the 2 programs together without wanting to die in the process! 

Gold Rush Sprint Tri recap

On June 26th, 2010 I did my first outdoor triathlon at the Gold Rush Triathlon in Charlotte, NC.  I have done indoor triathlons through our YMCA, but this was much more challenging.

It was a GREAT beginner tri b/c there was only a 500meter swim IN a pool!  Don't get me wrong, it was still VERY challenging, but at least I am learning to be competitive without getting kicked in the face while in a lake....that'll come later.

The bike was fantastic except for the speed bumps at the bottom of almost every hill.  Those who road bikers will understand my pain there.   You have to slow down and that severely hinders your way back up via momentum.  But I did it anyway!  It was MUCH less hilly than where I train and that was wildly helpful!

The run was the beast.  I ran out of the transition area and UP HILL for what felt like 5 miles.  It was only about 1/2 mile but my little legs were feeling the pain at that point.  The transition into the run from the bike definitely separates the weak from the strong.  At one point I'd been consistently behind this guy and there were these two younger girls (about 8 years old) sitting on there driveway watching us race by and I sped up when we passed them just to show them that a girl can do what a boy does only better!  LOL!

All in all I believe my first race was a success.  While I didn't place my standing was 18th female overall out of 55! Not bad for a novice!  I was 6th in my age division (out of 13, but who's counting).  My total time was 1:26.  While every course is different I believe I can at least use this time as a guideline for how to train!
For instance, my biggest weakness is my transition time.  I did my first transistion in almost 2 minutes, the fastest transistion time was 10seconds!!!!  Seriously!  Things like socks and sips of gatorade will have to go, my gloves my have to as well (grrrr).  I need to start throwing my visor on WHILE I'm running and leaving my shoes tied was the right choice.  I also need to get my rear moving when I grab my bike, but after the swim I was actually shaking which made it super duper difficult!

Here is my time breakdown:
Swim (500m) 12:56
T1: 1:56
Bike (20K) 42:22
T2: 1:14
Run (5K) 27:50
Overall: 1:26:16