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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Running and Brownies!

My favorite runs are always when I run with a friend.  I love running with my friend Andrea.  She is a very consistent runner, not fast, not too slow, but maintains a pace....something I could learn from.  Since I'm trying to maintain my pace and carry on a distance to prepare for an Olympic tri, I need more runs like today.  We set out to do 7 miles, but I was EXHAUSTED and ran late this morning, so we did 5.75 miles in 59:00min. We didn't run fast also b/c we have a lot of hills.  I felt like I could have gone much faster, but the fact that I didn't was much better on my aching hip, so that is that.

I'm trying to increase my distance to run in a 1/2marathon in October, but that distance will be a creeping distance, last year I increased speed and distance too fast and too soon, so I've learned.  I have been getting some good workouts in, even though they're longer than I'm use to, but that's good.  HOWEVER...I'm starving!  Starving all the time!!!  I am also putting on weight, LOL!  What is that about?? I eat clean (mostly), but I can't stop!  This needs to get under control, but in the meantime, here is a yummy brownie recipe for all you sneaky chefs and junkfood junkies...

Wendy's "Clean-er" zucchini brownies

3/4 cup sucanat
3/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
2 tsp vanilla
1 whole egg
1 cup white flour
1cup wheat flour
3 - 1oz squares of unsweetened chocolate (melted)
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 cups shredded zucchini

1/2 cup mini chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease 12 muffin cups or 1 8x8 pan.

Combine sugars, applesauce, and vanilla until blended well, then add egg.  Add dry ingredients on top of sugar mixture. Add zucchini and chocolate chips after this is mixted.  Pour into desired, prepped pan.  If backing in 8x8 pan cook for about 30 minuted but check middle!!  Cook the cupcakes for about 15-20 minutes, again check for doneness.  If you want you can put a little icing on this too after it's cool!! 

These are so good for kids, mine loves them, her friends love them, and they're healthier and sneak in a veggie!!!  I think the zucchini meshes better than the spinach recipes. But to add spinach to your kids (or your diet) without notice you can wilt it, puree it and stick it in pizza sauce or spaghetti sauce...caution will make the sauce dark. 

Happy Eating!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A dark place

Have you ever wanted to quit a race?  I mean really quit? Raise your hand and let yourself be pulled out by the friendly kayakers waiting between the buoys?   Well I did. 

I started my sprint tri this Sunday at beautiful White Lake, NC and standing there with the 16-34 age groupers all in our purple caps, goggles, and wetsuits, ready and waiting for the air horn to blow!  I was so excited, here I was, going to get over my fear in this calm lake and with a sandy bottom and a mere 11foot depth in the deepest section.  I glanced over the orange buoys, not mocking me, but inviting me!  They even had their yards written on them as if to say, "C'mon, it's so easy, you do this in the pool all the time!".   Finally, 17 minutes after the first groups horn blew, ours sounded!  Loudly!  I had a strategy, I was at the front this time, I was GOING to push through, I've trained for this all winter and I'm faster and stronger in the water than I was last year, plus it was wet suit legal! And I've never gotten a chance to race in a wetsuit before!  Pulled my tags off that morning! 

So there I was, kicking, paddling, pushing and breathing my way through 100+ girls, all with the same goal...reach the first 100yard buoy.  I did, too fast.  Then it happened, I was gasping for air!  Clawing at the wetsuit that was now choking me, cutting away my air and my chance at victory over this lake.  I glanced to my right and there was a girl on her back with her hand raised and shaking it beckoning the kayaks to come rescue her from the water.  I went to a very dark place.  A place in my mind that said, "go on...join her...then you can breathe".  Then I heard my husband's voice from inside my head, "If you quit you will hate yourself.  Do what you can to finish, just get through it.  The bike is next and it's your saving grace.  All you have to do is finish the swim."  So I compromised I aimed for the 200 yard buoy...on my back.  I started back stroking, something I've never done before, but the only way I could breathe.  I then sited the turn buoy and stayed on my back, I was getting calmer so I flipped to my stomach and tried to crawl, the wetsuit was still choking  me and now the sandy bottom was gone and this lake was just as murky as the rest of them. I ran into the turn buoy and pushed around it...almost to the 500 yard bouy...I'm breathing but not well, I'm still on my back, but I'm now feeling the constricting more, I started to wonder if I could pull of the wetsuit, no, probably not, I can barely get it off on land.  I yank at the zipper and now it's half way unzipped and I can no longer back stroke....600 yard buoy.  I'm crawling, almost there, just going slow now, but then this mega dude from the pod of clydesdales behind us runs up on my and throws me off again, but I can see the big "FINISH" sign at the dock, I get my panic under control, and the next 100 yards were pure survival.  I get to the ladder and the stupid bi@*h tells me to go to the next ladder down (she could have died for that).  I get out shaking and trying not to puke... but I got out!!!  I swam 750 yards...100 yards at a time. 

So I guess you could say I panicked.  Well it is what it is.  I still got out, finished the race and can face myself in the mirror.  I did a terrible job on that race, but it was the first race of the season.  I'm hoping to get over the fear of the lake and maybe, just maybe, learn how to pace myself at the beginning of a darn swim!! 

I'm not pleased with how I did.  I had a goal to finish in 1:30, but I did 1:39.  I'm pretty sad about that, but hey, I FINISHED!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A bunch of nothing

Sorry, I go through spells of having nothing to say.  I am the chattiest person I know so I guess I just get tired of hearing myself. 

I'm back (for today at least).  I'm looking for moral support.  I've got a race in a week and a half.  It is only a sprint tri, but I have no way to lake train b/c our water, air, ground, everything is still too cold.  It's only a sprint, so I guess I can muddle through for 1/2 mile.  But wish me luck anyway!

So I have been sought out and beaten with allergies.  I'm only working out 4-5 times a week b/c I physically can't do more!  I was suppose to do a crossfit this morning but my training buddy bailed due to allergies so I bailed too, he he he (I hate crossfit).  We're all suffering out here!

I'm tired of people looking at me and saying I'm too skinny.  I'm NOT! I'm an athlete, I exercise, eat right and don't binge out on chips while watching the biggest loser.  Food is fuel to me.  The better the quality, the better the performance of the machine.  But somehow people feel the need to justify they're eating and exercise habits (or lack there of) to me.  I'm not judging!  I swear!  Unless you're making your kids fat...that is poor parenting and I DO judge that.

I haven't been out on my bike since my last pitiful ride, but I plan to on Saturday. I'm nervous, but need a good, hard, long brick training session.  I'm going with my husband which might NOT be a good idea.  I get fussy when I can't shift, ride, climb well.  I don't hold back in front of him either, LOL! He hates it! 

The White Lake Tri  I'm doing sounds nice.  It's flat.  I don't know what that means.  I live in West Virginia and the longest flat area in a row is about 50 yards.  It's becoming cumbersome, so I actually look forward to biking the 14 miles and running the 3.1 without trying to die!  I think age found me this year.  The hills HURT by run time is 9-10 minute miles!!! WTH!!!!

Okay, this was a ramble, probably not worth reading, but I've been wildly disappointed in my training.  Sorry to relay this to you!  Hope everyone else is getting back into it and feeling good!!  Send some positive energy my way!