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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tourist Season

That's right!  It offically tourism season....the season in which all the bikes in spin class will be cluttered by people who have no intention of remaining there more than 2-3 weeks, the season where the step classes will be so jam packed that the a/c will cease to be effective, the season of treadmills clogged by those walking 2.5 mph and yapping to their friend about how "bad" they were last night when they ate that second slice of carrot cake...This is the time of year I dread most.  My gym is packed and therefore my patience is minimal.  By February these tourist have usually forgotten about their "goals" and all gone back home to resume their normal routine and that's when my serious training can begin!  I'm not saying that I don't appreciate them giving their money to our hard working personal trainers or signing up for a gym membership they won't use, therefore supporting the efforts to continually maintain and increase the quality of the equipment.  I'm just saying, I think I'll do my working out at home in January, this will alleviate some of the headache I get by going to the gym and not being able to do a normal routine b/c everything is FULL! 

I actually make resolutions sometimes too, but this year there are only an Olympic Distance Tri and Podium SOMETHING! 

Rock on!  Here's looking ahead! 

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas recap

Wow! Just realized my last post was on the 17th! This month FLEW by.  I think I logged 6 work outs too.  See, here's the deal....I hosted Christmas. I hosted both my family and my husbands and they all stayed at our house.  My reward for this was a big family Christmas and loss in fitness.  So good and bad. 
I'm now under about 12 inches of snow with no way to get out of my house.  I have a little bike trainer I'm borrowing but that gets boring b/c I can't follow my distance and speed, I thought about buying the same spin bike my gym has, but that thing cost $1500!!!!  I'm also looking at treadmills, but again, I don't know what I need b/c Mike will be pounding out speed and distance training for the Half and I'll be at least pumping out distance, so we can't just go to Walmart, you know? 

I'm frustrated to say the least, but hopefully with him taking the week off we can solve this issue of the "at home gym".

Hope everyone had a merry Christmas!  Santa brought me new bike components!!!!  I basically got a new bike!!! 

Friday, December 17, 2010

Lazy or Busy?

It's Friday.  I've had my second workout of the week today.  What the?!?! 
This is not me! 

I worked out on my trainer for like the first time EVER!  How does that work?  I need gear tips. What's the best kind?
I'm working out on a friend's trainer and I'm not feeling like it's right.  I was breathing hard and sweating, but I need to gauge...I need numbers!  I want to know distance, speed, etc.  I'm a numbers gal.  That's why I have an overpriced Garmin!  I NEED NUMBERS! 

So back to the "workout".  I watched Human Target on and so I guess I did 45 minutes of cardio. I don't know how good or bad I did and I feel like I'm sinking under the Holiday pressure b/c I can't get these workouts in AND we've had school canceled 4 out of 5 days this week!  Sheesh!  What's the deal??  I'm not running outside either, we're covered in snow and it's been under 20 degrees (40 is my limit).  I'm hoping after the holidays things will even out.  We're going to PA this weekend and our hotel has a gym.  I'll get on the treadmill some hopefully. I'm just tired of these pitiful workouts! 

Wow! I must be a south pole elf!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What to do!

Oh geez! I have not posted in so long.  That would be mainly because I've been out of the gym!  I've been at home playing Santa's elf for 4 days!  Okay, part of the reason I've been home is because it's been dumping snow on us.   It's pretty hard to be motivated to get out in this blizzard-like weather.  I've been asking my husband for a treadmill for 3 years.  He doesn't want one in the house, LOL!  Oh well, guess we'll be moving the trainer for the bikes inside. 
I'm going to attempt to get to the gym today. It's (with wind-chill) -10 below.  I'm a bit sick of being inside and sledding in the frigid temps is out.

In the winter months I'm not working out nearly as hard or as long or as often. I would LOVE some tips on what we triathletes should be doing on our "off season".  I'm just not sure.  Should we stay in shape like normal, keep training hardcore?  What?  I know it's the season to work on our weakest sport (ie. swimming), but how much should we be doing?  I don't want to burn myself out, but I don't want to get lazy either.  Where's the balance?  Is there a secret off-season training guide I've missed? 

Well, off to battle the day!