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Monday, November 22, 2010

Who says that?

Today was disappointing.  I think that would put it mildly.  You'd think coming off a win that I'd be feeling like I can walk on clouds...nope.

I show up at the Y today, feeling a little under the weather as I have been for a week now.  I show up and go directly to the time sheet to see my times from the race. Good news! I came in 3rd over all!  I am super proud of myself in that respect.  Just last year I came in second to last.  I feel that personally (even out of race shape) that I'm doing a really good job.  I feel like I am a bit behind in the off season, but who cares, I'm still placing!  Well there is a very important person in my life (I will not name names), but as I was looking at my sheet I mentioned that I was feeling proud of how fast I'm getting, well this person said, "you have a lot faster to get too".  I was stunned...WHO SAYS THAT???  Well then this person proceeds to point out that even though I won over all female (by less than a minute, btw), that it was on a mere technicality b/c April had the bike course wrong.  Then....this person proceeded to follow that statement up with, "sorry to burst your bubble."  You can probably understand why I left after fighting back tears and 1/2 mile on the treadmill.  I couldn't look at anyone.  I felt miserable.  I'm easily offended so this was like stabbing me in the face!

So I'm going to go to bed and scream into my head all night.

Please, if you mentor someone, don't be a jerk :)


  1. OMG, are you serious!!!!! I am so mad I am seeing RED!!!

    First, congrats on taking first overall, that finish can NOT EVER BE TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU!!! You won, it is yours for the REST of your LIFE!!

    Second, what right does this person have to say what they said, I know they are a close friend, so I am going to bite my tongue, but seriously, friends DO NOT TALK to other friends like that, They use to, IN HIGH SCHOOL!!!! Not at OUR age.

    You won, you are the womens champion of that race, if it was me, I would "invite" this "friend" to next years race, making it your ONLY goal to make sure you beat them.

  2. Yeah, on a scale of suck to not suck, that definitely sucked. The bad think is that this person is always going to out-do me and is older and a guy! Needless to say I stayed out of the gym today. I needed a day to re-group.

  3. Last night on the trainer, I looked up at my Wall of Courage, I went to directly this saying and I am sharing it with you because I want you to keep your head up and use this to fuel your fire,

    "There are those who tear down others to build themselves up and those who just build.

    To the naysayers, I say your words will fall on deaf ears. To the doubters, take your misgivings elsewhere. To the envious, do not desire what we will achieve. I will beat back mediocrity with a fierce hand, will demolish conformity, so that when it’s time to cash in my chips, I won’t leave a legacy of regret, that I didn’t go for mine. In each one of us lies the power to start something... So to those of you out there who can hear, let me say again, who are you and will you stand with me?”

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. It comes at a very good time. I'm very discouraged right now and am needing some good uplifting. Thank you!
