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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A new swim

I did something new today.  Okay, I swam, but that's not new, what's new is the way I did my swim.  I took the distance out of it.  I decided to do something I haven't done in years, like since college!  I don't want to talk about how long ago that actually was.  Okay, what I did was I put on my husbands trusty little "lap counter" (go to  and decided to just see what I could get out of myself in 60 minutes of continuous swimming.  I stopped twice for a gulp of water and have never completely mastered a flip turn, so that was the only wasted time I had.  I did a comfortable pace that ended up affording me 45 laps in 60 minutes.  I was counting a lap as 50meters.  I thought that was pretty good for me.  I know that almost everyone can outdo me in that time, but understand that I am NOT a good swimmer.  I'm just doing what I can....I'm "tri-ing".  And truthfully...I probably could have pushed harder, but I don't usually do a continuous hour and with my shady blood sugar and no gels (what the heck can't I remember those?) I didn't want to push it.

Little bit of irritation......
I'm in the locker room and these two women are in discussion, here is a piece of that.  Woman 1: "I worked out like 5 days last week and GAINED 4 pounds!".  Woman 2: " I hear you, it seems that all this exercise just isn't worth it sometimes".

My response (that I wish I had said then and there, but in reality I just kept my polite little mouth shut).  To Woman 1 "First and formost you can NOT use exercise as an excuse to eat whatever you want, secondly you need to pay attention to what you are actually doing, is it what you should be doing for the goals you have in mind, and thirdly, muscle weighs more than fat and if your activities are rapidly increasing your muscle composition you will most likely see a slight increase in weight before true weightloss is achieved" 
To Woman 2 "Exercise is always worth it.  Even if you're just dancing around in water aerobics, if you pair that with a healthy diet and good hydration, you'll see everything from mobility to bloodwork improve.  Injuries at an older age will be less likely, and quality of life will increase."

Ugh!  I feel like this should be common sense!  It feels SOOOOO much better to be in shape. 

Okay, sorry, I should have lectured these two today, don't know why I didn't, I'm just pretty sure I wasn't going to be nice about it. 


  1. way to go on the hour long swim...thats awesome!!!!

  2. Nice job on the swim

    As for the ladys, they probably walk on the dreadmill at 2mph then stretch and leave, if they did a little research, then they could actually learn how to make gains, and 5 days a week does mean you can goto mcdonalds after the gym and gorge yourself with food

  3. Excellent point! However, only about a .5% of us are full iron training ;) Enjoy your McD's!
