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Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Dirty Quitter

I'm a dirty quitter!  I have now quit two things in two days.  Yesterday I had a brick planned; I was to do 18 miles on the spin bike and then a 4 mile run.  Well I got finished with my biking and then got on the treadmill.  I was DRAGGING at a 10 min/min pace!!!  My legs were just in pain, so much pain, not injury pain, but fatigue pain.  So after 1 lousy mile I QUIT!  I went and worked my super-sad abs and then QUIT and went home. 

Then today I taught a baking class at my house with the intention of going running outside after it warmed up (suppose to get to almost 60!), well after I taught I went outside and it was blowing COLD!  West Virginia weather is awesome, but irritating too.  So I donned my spin shoes and loaded my sad self onto my bike trainer to have Coach Troy tell me what to do.  10 minutes in to the DVD my legs felt like they did yesterday and I QUIT!  I did! I preach against quitting, but I QUIT!  My legs are so sore and tired and I am wondering if they need a rest or I need to take up Yoga or both. 

Tomorrow I'm praying for happier weather, although I am probably going to attempt 2 hours on the trainer with the DVD "Tough Love" by Spinervals.  I'm not doing the 3 hours, but I think 2 might be okay.   Let's hope this leg thing clears up.   I hate quitters, so you can imagine how I feel about myself right now!


  1. ok, its winter still, you are sick and tired of being couped up all day indoors, you want fresh air and green grass and trees. It happens, your stir crazy.

    Its like when hubby calls up at noon and says he is bringing pizza home for dinner, then dinner time rolls around and he brings home only a salad, you wanted pizza, you craved pizza all day, and you are super disappointed that you dont get pizza, and no matter how much you try to enjoy your salad, you just cant, staring at it, wishing it was pizza.

    2-4 more weeks of this mess, and we will be outdoors

  2. Great answer! I AM stir crazy..I really REALLY thought I was going to get outside today. Thanks! I think I'm getting some perspective.
