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Monday, March 7, 2011

Eating and Planning, Planning and Eating

Saturday we (the family) have been spending our mornings at the YMCA in the pool training then playing and/or running, lifting, whatever is on the plate for that training day.  Well this Saturday Mike had done a pretty hilly ride and was getting over the flu so I was going to go alone and decided I didn't want to drive in to town (a whopping 20 minutes), so I loaded myself onto the bike trainer and was about to put in my 50 minute Lean and Mean Spinerval DVD when at the last minute grabbed Tough Love, the 3-hour one.  I decided to take it 20 minutes at a time.  I did TWO HOURS on the bike!  30 miles (don't laugh, I'm not super fast inside).  I could have totally finished the 3 hours had my non-carb-loaded self actually had ANY gels, more bananas or even eaten to prep for this.  I was starving, no STARVING so I stopped.  I had to eat!  I have low blood sugar, so I'm a bit of a time-bomb anyhow, but this was crazy, I was shaky and could barely make a PB and honey.  But I felt good knowing that my body could have given me more, just need to work out my nutrition a bit better.  I may try the full 3 hours again with some planning.

The after shocks of this workout were that I was nauseous the rest of the day and bit tired, but my legs never hurt, not once.  So weird, long runs break me down for days, but this was like nothing ever happened.

I'm actually going to really take a hard look at my nutrition.  I'm getting back into a good training routine and find I have more of an appetite again.  I could easily quench this with pound cakes and cereal, but I'd be better serving myself and my waist line by consuming more training-friendly foods such as grilled lean meats and oatmeal and LOTS of veggies.  I usually eat pretty well, but the down side is that I walk around hungry the rest of the day.  What I'm planning to do....and I challenge everyone else to do this b/c it helps I promise...keep a diet journal with everything EVERYTHING you eat and what time of day you eat it and what you feel like, etc.  This is a great way to learn vitamin deficiencies too.   Give it about 7 days.  Dietitians are great consults if you feel lost too.  

Hope everyone is having a good intro to the season.  We received 6 inches of snow yesterday! Jealous?! LOL! 

1 comment:

  1. Nutrition is such a hard thing to nail, and everyone is different, what might work for me, can very easily fail for you. ALOT of trial and error to figure it out, I am still trying to figure out mine
