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Monday, March 28, 2011

Just being a hater!

Just got back from my sisters bachelorette party in Nashville.  What fun!  However, that said, all this wedding planning, celebrations, visiting friends, etc, etc is wrecking my training!! 

The bachelorette party was on Saturday, but it takes me 8 hours to get there, so all day Friday I was in the car and then Saturday was set up, etc for the party and Sunday was driving home.  So I definitely did NOT make progress this weekend :/

Some things I learned about Nashville, though....first of all chivalry is dead there.  Gone, dead, done!  Second....skinny jeans are NOT for everyone ESPECIALLY guys!!!!  Third....if you are not a blonde you will not get served at a bar :)

Yeah, this weekend was interesting to say the least. We went to one restaurant where, including the guys, I was the most muscular!  Seriously, I live in the country, when WHEN did it become cool to be a stick figure as a guy???? Eeeeewwww!!!!!  Where oh WHERE are the good 'ol boys in Nashville?  It's all Audi's and Gucci, when I use to live there (15 years ago) it was pickups and blue jeans, no specific brand of either.  YUCK!!!!  I am wildly unimpressed with the city, I'm where I belong!  Sorry for all my city friends out there, not knockin', just venting ;)  A down side to the country is that you have to drive 20 minutes to get anything and some people have "brother cousins" and "uncle daddies", ROFL, JK!

Okay, venting aside.  I'm trying to make some decisions.  I'm feeling like I'm in a rut, and not b/c it's snowing for the four hundreth time this season, just b/c I'm wondering if I should up my distance.  I'm very comfortable at 5-6 miles running and over 20 on the bike, it's that darn pool.  Anyway.  I'm curious on any floating opinions about when/how to up distance. 

BTW, another side note....smoking sucks, don't do it!  I was in a bunch of places where smoking was allowed and I've felt like I smoked a pack myself.  My lungs are killing me!  SMOKING SUCKS!!!!!


  1. I will admit, I was entertained by your weekend, my mom's side of the f amily is from Tennessee and I remember it like you remember it back in the day, I can not imagine it as you saw it over the weekend, pretty sad

    Skinny people suck, we all know women like a little muscle on their men and we know that men shouldnt wear women jeans

    What race are you looking or thinking about to up your distance, I commented a while back ago about a progression for atheltes.

  2. oh wow, i would have never imagined nashville to be that way!! interesting!

  3. Yeah, shocked me to death! I use to live in TN and my family still does, they just live in the more southern, rural part.
    I am toying with an Oly at the end of the season, but wondering if I should find one sooner. I'm also thinking that next year I might not be opposed to a HIM!

  4. Go ahead and find another earlier race if you want to, your base is there, the pace of that race race will just be a slower then a sprint. You can do it easily, in my opinion

  5. Thanks for the inspiration! I think I will start looking around. I love to race in VA, so I may see whats there!
