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Monday, April 11, 2011


Holy cow!  I am finally DONE!  My sister is married!!!  The wedding is OVER!!! Hoooray!!!   I just love my new brother in law and his family and I'm so excited for her.  This whole wedding thing has definitely put a damper in training, however, I came home from Nashville and was greeted by delightful weather, like seriously,70's, beautiful, so I'm looking forward to some outdoor runs and rides ;)!  I did one pitiful workout on in TN, but decided that I was wildly too busy to continue that while I was helping with the festivities, so I decided to pick back up this week. 
Today I taught spin and fully realized how exhausted I am. I'm going to nap this afternoon and try to regroup for my swim tomorrow.  I'll be hopefully working out with my friend April in the pool every Tuesday.  Good for me and her, plus it's way more fun with a buddy!

We are just over 1 month away from the first race (White Lake Half Iron and Sprint)!!! Woo Hoo!!!! 


  1. I am tired too

    I am a month away from my first tri as well!!!

  2. Sprint, pool swim, to get the cobwebs out.

    Half mary this Sunday, freaking scared out of my mind.

  3. You're scared of a 1/2 marathon...surely I do readeth this incorrectly!!! Isn't this the same individual with an Iron distance looming???

  4. I am a swimmer and a biker, NOT A RUNNER, and everyone knows it. It hurts to run, literally I have to deal with pain. So yes I am scared, but doing this will help me get ready for my Ironman
