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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring has sprung!

I'm here! I'm here!  I've been gone for awhile!!  I've had some health issues and then had a relative pass away and left town twice in 2 weeks (incidentally I'm leaving AGAIN for a 3rd weekend in a row!).

So,, so/so.  I did some sprint drills with a friend I don't normally see and that was crazy!!!  We went out to one of the only flat places to run in WV and did about 2 or 3 miles with using lamp posts as guides on where to start and each lamp post we got faster and faster and then walked.  It didn't feel too bad except that I was having crazy allergies!!!  It felt like my chest was collapsing, but I got out of my head and powered through! I highly recommend some good sprint drills, I often neglect this type of training, but I think my body needs it.

I'm running outside!!!!! YAY for spring!

I'll have a few weeks again here where I'm horribly busy, little sis is getting married!!!!  So I'll be doing stuff for that ;)

Hope everyone is having a Happy Spring!


  1. Happy spring, I been out doors doing something that might be called running, sorta, by some people, but not by alot

    Sorry to hear of your relative and being ill

  2. Running, sort of? LOL! I thought of you the other day when I was watching an episode of Spongebob and he broke his butt! They had to put him in the "iron butt", ha ha ha ha! See, things could be worse! ;)

    My illness is going away, but now it's being supplemented with intense allergies, ugh!
