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Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Monday I had a half sick, half tired little girl on my hands and since there was no school and I didn't want to pawn her off on a neighbor or sitter, I didn't workout.  I could have figured out the trainer on the bike or done a P90x video, but I just threw in the towel and cleaned house and played with her. 

I got up Tuesday morning and put my swim gear on with the intent to head to the pool...then I caught a glimpse of myself in the suit and wanted to cry!  My muscles! Waaaah!  Where are they??  So I changed into gym clothes and decided on a good, hardcore, heavy lifting day.   When I got to the gym, April grabbed me for a quick 3 mile run...legs still felt like lead from Sunday's 10 mile run!  Ugh!  After that I did a hearty round of lats, bi's, and abs!  Felt good too. 

This morning I woke up with the intent to go on a bike ride with my friend Andrea...well it rained last night and we weren't sure if it meant to continue and since I don't get paid to do this stuff we scrapped it. I haven't done anything today and I'm still plenty sore from my day yesterday. So I'm now counted for having actually worked out 2 days in the last 5!!!!  Gotta love holiday weekends :) 

I've got a race on Saturday anyway. It's a 10K, but it's the furthest running race I've done. I'm actually interested in how I do, but not nearly as excited as if I were doing a they have a Triathletes Anonymous?   I think I might have a problem.  

Tomorrow is a swim and then tri's and shoulders and ab's (again).  I'm suppose to do legs, but with a race coming, I guess that's stupid.  I also have to make room to teach spin on Friday.  So for the next 3 days I'm going to move my lazy butt!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck at the race

    HAHA, welcome to the club, we want to race all the time
