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Sunday, September 5, 2010

The first double digit-er

"Ran" 10 miles today.  Why "ran"?  Because I did so with my friend who is much slower, so it was more of a run/jog.  She tried to walk a couple of times...there would be none of that on my watch, LOL! She and I did a 10-11min/mi pace for 7 miles.  That was wildly helpful for me since I usually come out of the gate under 9min/mi for the first 2-3 miles...not good if you're trying to sustain distance and are already a poor runner.  So running with her got me to keep a slow pace for a bit.  I went on by myself for the last 3 miles and did it around 9:15 min/mi pace, not fast, but doable.  I told you I'm having foot trouble, well this run didn't aggravate it as much as the last time when I did 9, but I think it's thanks to the slower pace.

During the race I'm going to try to keep b/t 9-10min/miles.  I know, I know, why not just walk it!  Well it's my first 1/2 marathon and it's not like I'm trying to win anything...heck, I'll probably be one of the only women running it at IS West Virginia! :)

1 comment:

  1. For me personally, when I "ride" with slower people, they are some of the best rides, I will take the comaraderie of a good ride.
