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Friday, January 28, 2011

Blah Blah Blah

I'm so boring I don't even blog!  West Virginia has had snow since the state was entered into the Union, but for whatever reason, we are totally unable to deal with it in the 21st century! My child has been out of school for THREE days this week.  WE HAVE PLOWS!  Okay, that's enough, I'll calm down. 

Anyway, all this means is that I'm not hitting my workouts. Good news is that the mojo is flowing again!  I'm getting stronger!  I am still pretty weak, but I'm getting stronger with every workout.

This week was Monday-got rear ended by a creepy guy on my way to the gym so I went home and did a spinervals DVD (waaaaay better than spin class anyway!), Tuesday - swam intervals and drills, I'm not ready for a distance swim yet, but I'm doing about a mile each training session...just not in a row.  Wednesday- taught spin, snow started hitting us hard, but so did ice rain, so I cut class short and sent everyone home, I ended up following along with Jillian again on her DVD (she is awesome!).  Thursday- DIDN"T TO A DARN THING!  Friday-stay tuned, not sure what I'm doing, but I'm pretty sure it'll be something on my bike since that's my only option at this point.

This weekend I'm going to Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia.  It's suppose to be a scorching 50 degrees!  I'm RUNNING!!!!  For like hours!!!! Just running!!!!  Look out Forest Gump!!!  I think I'll go with the husband to where the SML tri's are held and do that course for the run a couple times.

I'm not racing at the YMCA indoor tri on Saturday.  I wrote about that in the fall, I need a break and I'm going to be out of town, so it works.  It's sorta bittersweet since I've been in every one of them!  In fact...January 31st is the 2nd anniversary of my first tri! 

Have a great weekend!  Get out and conquer! 


  1. Remember when we were kids, WE NEVER HAD SNOW DAYS!!!

    You need a day off from training

    Have fun on your mini vacation (I am jealous of the warm weather there)

  2. I grew up in Alaska AND Colorado...I NEVER had snow days! ALASKA!!! Ugh! I'm going to run it off this weekend ;)
