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Friday, January 21, 2011

Catch up

Wow! Blogs have been few and far between lately! Well truthfully I've been pretty boring to read about races, no motivation, very little time in the gym, LOTS of snow!  I have been getting workouts in, just not really good, solid, body-changing ones!

So let me re-cap some of my workouts over the past little while.

Last Saturday I spent some time on my bike trainer; Sunday we were at a hotel (at sea level!!) and I did 4 miles on their treadmill--mainly b/c people were waiting on us and I didn't have time for more; Sunday and Monday I was off due to really busy days; Tuesday I did a really good drill workout in the pool, it took me about an hour and I was toast afterward! Wednesday I was tired and so I just walked a mile and ran 3.2 on the treadmill. 

So that's me.  My runs are wildly short....I really hate treadmills, and yes, I want one, but that doesn't mean I like them!   They are a necessary evil in a place that has very poor snow removal and lots of snow! 

Today I'm hoping to hop on the bike trainer for a few miles.

1 comment:

  1. You can come over and read and comment on mine ;-)

    I been ultra busy with a new job

    I agree, dreadmills are an necessary evil, get one at a garage sale for pennies on the dollar, I got mine for $25
