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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Running and Brownies!

My favorite runs are always when I run with a friend.  I love running with my friend Andrea.  She is a very consistent runner, not fast, not too slow, but maintains a pace....something I could learn from.  Since I'm trying to maintain my pace and carry on a distance to prepare for an Olympic tri, I need more runs like today.  We set out to do 7 miles, but I was EXHAUSTED and ran late this morning, so we did 5.75 miles in 59:00min. We didn't run fast also b/c we have a lot of hills.  I felt like I could have gone much faster, but the fact that I didn't was much better on my aching hip, so that is that.

I'm trying to increase my distance to run in a 1/2marathon in October, but that distance will be a creeping distance, last year I increased speed and distance too fast and too soon, so I've learned.  I have been getting some good workouts in, even though they're longer than I'm use to, but that's good.  HOWEVER...I'm starving!  Starving all the time!!!  I am also putting on weight, LOL!  What is that about?? I eat clean (mostly), but I can't stop!  This needs to get under control, but in the meantime, here is a yummy brownie recipe for all you sneaky chefs and junkfood junkies...

Wendy's "Clean-er" zucchini brownies

3/4 cup sucanat
3/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
2 tsp vanilla
1 whole egg
1 cup white flour
1cup wheat flour
3 - 1oz squares of unsweetened chocolate (melted)
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 cups shredded zucchini

1/2 cup mini chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease 12 muffin cups or 1 8x8 pan.

Combine sugars, applesauce, and vanilla until blended well, then add egg.  Add dry ingredients on top of sugar mixture. Add zucchini and chocolate chips after this is mixted.  Pour into desired, prepped pan.  If backing in 8x8 pan cook for about 30 minuted but check middle!!  Cook the cupcakes for about 15-20 minutes, again check for doneness.  If you want you can put a little icing on this too after it's cool!! 

These are so good for kids, mine loves them, her friends love them, and they're healthier and sneak in a veggie!!!  I think the zucchini meshes better than the spinach recipes. But to add spinach to your kids (or your diet) without notice you can wilt it, puree it and stick it in pizza sauce or spaghetti sauce...caution will make the sauce dark. 

Happy Eating!!!


  1. Hmmmmm....I'm going to have to try those. But I will have to do it secretly, my hubs would never eat them if he knew.

  2. I never tell them until AFTER they've eaten ;)

  3. GASP!!! GIRLS!!!! I am in shock you would hide that from the hubbys

    I so need to learn how to pace on the run
