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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A bunch of nothing

Sorry, I go through spells of having nothing to say.  I am the chattiest person I know so I guess I just get tired of hearing myself. 

I'm back (for today at least).  I'm looking for moral support.  I've got a race in a week and a half.  It is only a sprint tri, but I have no way to lake train b/c our water, air, ground, everything is still too cold.  It's only a sprint, so I guess I can muddle through for 1/2 mile.  But wish me luck anyway!

So I have been sought out and beaten with allergies.  I'm only working out 4-5 times a week b/c I physically can't do more!  I was suppose to do a crossfit this morning but my training buddy bailed due to allergies so I bailed too, he he he (I hate crossfit).  We're all suffering out here!

I'm tired of people looking at me and saying I'm too skinny.  I'm NOT! I'm an athlete, I exercise, eat right and don't binge out on chips while watching the biggest loser.  Food is fuel to me.  The better the quality, the better the performance of the machine.  But somehow people feel the need to justify they're eating and exercise habits (or lack there of) to me.  I'm not judging!  I swear!  Unless you're making your kids fat...that is poor parenting and I DO judge that.

I haven't been out on my bike since my last pitiful ride, but I plan to on Saturday. I'm nervous, but need a good, hard, long brick training session.  I'm going with my husband which might NOT be a good idea.  I get fussy when I can't shift, ride, climb well.  I don't hold back in front of him either, LOL! He hates it! 

The White Lake Tri  I'm doing sounds nice.  It's flat.  I don't know what that means.  I live in West Virginia and the longest flat area in a row is about 50 yards.  It's becoming cumbersome, so I actually look forward to biking the 14 miles and running the 3.1 without trying to die!  I think age found me this year.  The hills HURT by run time is 9-10 minute miles!!! WTH!!!!

Okay, this was a ramble, probably not worth reading, but I've been wildly disappointed in my training.  Sorry to relay this to you!  Hope everyone else is getting back into it and feeling good!!  Send some positive energy my way!


  1. First of all, its not "just a sprint" its a triathlon of a distance that you have worked toward.

    Second, everyone else is in the same boat, they are stuck in this cold, wet training climate as well. So everyone is feeling the same thing. We cant do anything about it. We have to bore ourselves indoors with a lap pool, trainer, and dreadmill. So its gonna still be pretty level playing field on race day.

    I feel like you, ITS MAY AND I CANT TRAIN OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!! We suffered all winter indoors, WE WANT FRESH AIR AND SUNSHINE, DANG IT WE DESERVE IT!!!!!!!! I really, really think, once we get outdoors when the weather clears up, we will have a new bounce in our steps. Hang in there, Ohio is the same way so far and I have my first Tri this Saturday and I am nervous because I havent been able to get out on the bike.

    Stop by my blog, I have ALOT of bike porn on my last post, thats always leaves me in a good mood

  2. I will! I appreciate the uplifting comment too! I need that. I am down in the dumps!!! I ran on the dreadmill today and kept hitting the bar b/c my body wanted to go faster!!

    I forgot what distance you have coming up.

  3. An aquabike is the swim and bike only portion of a race, no run. My race ends at the T2 mat.

  4. UGH! NO FINISH??? How? WHY? The horror!!!
    Actually Cait Snow does that b/c she trains through racing since her runs are so strong. I just can't imagine not finishing. Maybe if i get better I will.
    Good luck this weekend! Have fun!
