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Wednesday, February 9, 2011


BDD, thanks for the interval input!  It is always ALWAYS helpful to have someone more experienced reinforce my attempts at "training".

I had a breakthrough today!!!  I had to teach a spin class for college students (excellent way to make you feel old if you're in your 30's) and since it was only 30 minutes I decided to fit in a 5K run before hand.  So I did the run then rode the spin bike for 15 minutes before class started.  I don't work as hard when I teach, but I do work, so this was a nice size workout, especially since I'm pretty sure I have a stomach virus.  I didn't feel particularly tired after this stint, though, and it got me thinking...I'm not satisfied by workouts less than an hour anymore...infact...I'm not satisfied by my workouts very much at all lately...could it be?..COULD IT BE???  Am I getting (dare I say) stronger???  I can't believe it if I am, but I'm truly working smarter, not harder!   I might be doing something RIGHT!  YAAAYYY!!! 

So that was my breakthrough.  Hang in everybody, I'm proof that it can happen!  Now for my next trick-when DO I get tired??  This could be fun!


  1. i had the same thought today. totally wasnt tired after a swim that would have worn me out 3 weeks ago. would have gone for a run afterwards if i had had the time. tri training is getting addictive!!!!

  2. That's it!!! Time!!! That's the only reason I haven't been continuing...that darn TIME thing!

    Way to go!!! This is shaping up to be a good season :)

  3. I really think you dont give yourself enough credit, I thought about you after a converssation I had with another triathelte and we talking about people new to the sport. New people get too worked up about what the eiltesare doing (i am far from elite), they read (though we both agree, we dont think some bloggers are always truthful when they blog about their workouts, we wondered if their garmin download matches their story) or hear what they are doing and newbies feel they need to match. For the first 2-3 seasons, it should be about the finishline and becoming stronger and more fit, then later on, try to match what the elites are doing after you have mastered the basics, you will get there, I promise, keep chipping away at it, as you can see you are surprising yourself already, it only gets better from here
