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Monday, June 13, 2011

A Hero Among Us!

My new hero...Jamie Oliver!  His show Food Revolution is awesomeness in it's purest form!  Okay, Okay, yes, I know, I'm behind the times.  He was in WV for an entire season and I just blew it off thinking, huh, that's cool!  Well I watch about 90% of my television through Hulu on my tiny laptop while I'm sewing and since the regular season is over and True Blood STILL hasn't begun, I've been watching like my 4th and 5th choice programming (including the Bachelorette....bleh!). But I ran across his show and thought I'd give it a go for lack of another choice and WOW!!! I watched 2 more that day!

Back brother was in middle school/ highschool when I was in college and I remember my mom worrying about what he was eating because they could bring cold lunch or go to this little "store-like" area that sold pizza, soda, hotdogs, you know...kid crack.  He would fight her on wanting to eat at school b/c his buddies did and he didn't want to be "lame".  I remember feeling powerless and sad because here these kids were doing school, sports, homework, in other words demanding tons from their growing bodies and a 1/3 of their nutrition was crap!  I am in my 30's now, my brother is a grown man and doing quite well and loves it when I send him homemade banana bread (he's single and still doesn't bake).  But I can't help wondering if all that did any permanent damage to his body. 

Enter Jamie Oliver!  He's getting in the schools and exposing, yes EXPOSING (like it's dirty b/c it is) their food practices to a public audience!  He's well aware of budget restrictions and health code guidelines, but he's not just exposing, he's FIXING!  He's offering ways for kids to get healthier!  In one episode he taught a single father of two boys (11 and 15) and his sons how to cook so they could quit using fast food as a lifestyle.  In one challenge he sent the father to procure a meal through a drive thru and he had the boys prepare a meal in that same time...the boys did it cheaper, quicker and healthier!!! Duh!!!!  They were throwing around the football when dad returned with the nasty fast food option.

So....if you have not watched this awesomeness please do!  Get your friends and family to watch it, but unfortunately I'm probably preaching to the choir here.  Still, it's good for all of us to refresh our nutrition know-how.  I love the magazine "Clean Eating".  Very inspiring! 

And a little bonus here....go pick up some "Jane's Crazy Mixed Up Salt"!  It is great for grilling!  Just use it sparingly unless you sweated out your salt for 3 hours, then go crazy! Ha!


  1. I have never seen it, now I am intrigued

  2. Oh, it's insane! I swear if he's saying it, I've been thinking it! I think it hits home with parents in a deep, deep way.
